Save water with these five cheap home improvements Save water with these five cheap home improvements

what are primary causes of a leaking tap

By Steve Vincent, Head of Operations, Plumbers4U

With over 3 million households across the UK combatting rising water bills, changing bad habits might not be the only avenue to explore.

Small, fast and cheap home upgrades can chip away at your water bill. And with a predicted annual water and sewerage bill nearing £410 a year, the cost of water-saving technology can be offset in no time at all.

With that in mind, I share my tips on cheap home improvements you can make that will dramatically slice your consumption and put money back in your pocket.

Controlling the flush

Your toilet is the biggest waster of water in the whole house – using a whopping 10 or more litres per flush – so this should be the number one target for water conservation.

Having a dual flush system installed can reduce the amount of water you use by 67 percent , cutting your usage down to between 4-6 litres for every use and halving the cost of one flush

Always check for leaks. A leaking toilet can waste 200 litres a day, so have a professional evaluate your system if you suspect a problem.

For a cheaper alternative, a cistern displacer can cut water usage in your toilet by a third. 

A shower upgrade

Another culprit of waste is the shower, so it’s time to think about the efficiency of your showerheads too.

Some older, larger heads use between 12 – 22 litres of water per minute whereas others, like a 3-star WELS rated shower, using only 9 litres.

More efficient shower heads can reduce water costs by £40 per person, per year, while only costing you £20 on average to install.

With a 10-minute shower using as much water as a bath, shutoff nozzles help stop water wastage while you’re not using it for rinsing off. A shower timer is useful, as it reminds people to curb wastewater by making sure they don’t spend  too long  in the shower.

Capturing water

Whether it be for your garden or home appliances, water capture is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those looking to cut down their reliance on the mains.

A rainwater harvesting system can reduce your household water consumption by up to 50 percent, knocking over £200 off your annual bill. Although they can be quite a high cost to set up, there are many low-cost alternatives available. 

With the summer months approaching, installing a water butt can take care of all your gardening needs by simply connecting it to a gutter.

The average roof guttering system can collect 3,200 litres of rainwater on average ,enough for more than 90 showers. With such a cheap install cost, it’s a no-brainer.

Quick fix for your taps 

It can be hard to break bad habits. Leaving taps on while brushing your teeth or lathering your hands can waste 6 litres a minute, hitting your bank hard over a year.

Aerators are devices that can be installed on most taps that can slice water use by over 50 percent, saving precious pennies if you do forget to switch off.

Tap attachments, like spray nozzles, can also save up to 10 litres of water a minute over a conventional tap without costing you any pressure.

Saving in the garden

Many of us tend to over-water our plants. In the warmer months, up to 70 percent of  water use goes on our gardens in the UK.

Use attachable hose nozzles to have full control of the water you use while watering plants. Often, it’s best to water your garden early in the morning or late at night, this reduces the amount of water lost to evaporation.

Soaker hoses not only reduce wastewater but are better for your plants as they deliver water directly to the roots, exactly where they need it.

For even bigger savings, attach your hose to a water butt. With yearly rainfall filling  the average water butt up to 450 times a year, this can be enough for all your gardening needs, meaning you don’t even have to touch the mains.

Last Edited: December 6th, 2023